Sustainable Tourism for Sustainable Communities

Training “How to turn ideas into graphic form”
As a kick off, THINKing GREEN offered its participants, teachers and pupils of the six partner institutions, a training on infographics and e-books. The 12-hour workshop, promoted by the KA229 Erasmus+ project THINKING GREEN: Sustainable Tourism for Sustainable
Communities, was organised by the Portuguese partner school and took place during the event of short-term training for staff and pupils – C1: “Working on the concept of Sustainable Development” in Ingolstadt, Germany. This training is considered to be vital for the implementation and dissemination of the project activities, results and products. It was prepared by a Communication Designer, Data Visualization teacher, Design PhD candidate, social media manager and proof-reader at the Lisbon School of Architecture, in Portugal, Ms. Rita Salomé Esteves, and we hereby share its material and results. During the month of November, the pupils who benefitted from this training will train their colleagues in the different partner schools.