Sustainable Tourism for Sustainable Communities

Green Ring of Vitoria-Gasteiz
The Green Ring of Vitoria-Gasteiz has its origins in the 90s of the 20th century when different parks and green areas surrounding the city where strategically connected trough eco-recreational corridors to restore and recover the periphery of Vitoria both from the social and environmental point of view. This Project was chosen by the UNO in 2000 among the best 100 initiatives in the world in the III International Contest “Good Practices to improve the Life Conditions of the Cities”. Led by the experts of the CEA (Center of Environmetal Research) of Vitoria-Gasteiz the participants in the Erasmus+ Project Think Green visited a part of the Green Ring of the city and after that they received the explanations to understand better the concept of Sustainability that the town is supporting and implementing in all areas among which we can find the creation, maintenance and expansion of the Green Ring of Vitoria-Gasteiz.